Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank and is the method by which we promote and encourage the ongoing involvement and commitment that keeps members coming back for more. Advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is one of several methods designed to help unit leadership carry out the aims and mission of the Boy Scouts of America.
Once a scout completes all the requirements for a rank advancement, they must request a Scoutmaster Conference. To request a Scout Master Conference, please send an email to Please make the subject of the email 'Scoutmaster Conference Request'. Include your name and the rank you are applying for.
After the Scoutmaster Conference, Scouts must then request a Board of Review by the Troop Committee. To request a Board of Review, please send an email to Please make the subject of the email 'Board of Review Request'. Include your name and the rank you applying for.
Advancement Resources provide additional information about advancement. Links are provided to materials that are available online.
Awards Central is where the most up-to-date information about BSA-related awards may be found, including award applications and nomination forms.